I suppose when I set out to start adding a blog to my website, I had the best of intentions to keep up with it. It was right at the beginning of a very long pandemic. I have since learned so many things can change quickly and can often serve us. But that doesn’t help how I left this blog behind!
Throughout the difficulties that I was witness to throughout the last 3 years, it has been an incredible journey learning how to support people in a mostly virtual counselling space. I had my doubts about virtual therapy before I had no other choice but to pivot into the online realm. I have now seen amazing therapeutic work achieved through it, and am grateful that I have been able to adapt to what has best served my clients.
Though I value in-person work, I am currently only offering virtual sessions. And until that changes, I will continue to bring my full self, often accompanied by my cat who loves therapy, to the online space of virtual counselling.
This is also me making a commitment to write more and create some blog posts for anyone who wants to read along.